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Field research training in Freiburg 2017

In June/July 2017 ten students of Socio-Cultural Anthropology and International Relations from Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, and Hasanuddin University, Makassar, together with students of both disciplines from the University of Freiburg conducted fieldwork exercises in Freiburg i. Brsg. The motto was "From Tandem to Teamwork: A Training Model for Fieldresearch Across Cultural and Disciplinary Boundaries". The concrete umbrella topic for all research exercises was:

"The (Un)Making of Social Categories"

The program was funded by DAAD with financial support from the ministry BMBF and contributions from the participating universities.


An article by the University of Freiburg, Public Relations:


The topics of the respective student teams were:


English Title

German Title

Indonesian Title

Muhaiminatul Ajriani,

Jil Baltes,

Anna Pyttlik

“Tierschutzverein Lehen”: A Case Study of Animal Protection

„Tierschutzverein Lehen“: Eine Fallstudie zum Tierschutz

“Tierschutzverein Lehen”: Studi Kasus Tentang Perlindungan Binatang

Muhammad Akbar Alamsyah,

Chantal Kopf,

René Nüßlein

Dealing With Food Waste: Student perceptions of Bänderers in Freiburg

Der Umgang mit Speiseresten: Wahrnehmungen von Bänderern unter Studierenden in Freiburg

Sikap terhadap makanan terbuang :
Persepsi Mahasiswa terhadap Bänderer di Freiburg

Priyanto Nugroho,

Janina Bauer,

Hannah Eichhorn,

Marie Paquignon

Notions of German Culture: Perspectives of ‘Young Alternative for Germany’ Members in Freiburg   

Sichtweisen auf deutsche Kultur: Die Perspektive von Angehörigen der ‘Jungen Alternative für Deutschland‘ in Freiburg  

Gagasan tentang Budaya Jerman: Pers-pektif Anggota 'Young Alternative for Germany‘ di Freiburg

Noor Vita Anggraeni

Sarah Gomm,

Luisa Arndt

Patrick Birch

Dumpster Diving: Women’s self-categorizations in an activist subculture

Containern: Selbstkategorisierungen von Frauen innerhalb einer aktivistischen Subkultur

Dumpster Diving: kategorisasi diri perempuan dalam subkultur aktivis

Anggita Triastiwi,

Nora Duchêne,

Helena Daniel,

Francina Guggenberger

The motivations and roles of “Rasthaus Initiative”’s members for engaging with refugees

Motivationen und Rollen von Mitgliedern der “Rasthaus Initiative“ im Engagement für



Motivasi dan Peran Anggota “Rasthaus Initiative“ dalam Menangani Pengungsi

Andi Triswoyo

Charlotte Pfahler

Isabella Graf

The Role of Ethno-religious Conflicts in the Daily Lives of Syrian Refugees in Freiburg


Die Rolle ethno-religiöser Konflikte im Alltagsleben syrischer Geflüchteter in Freiburg

Peran Konflik Etno-religi dalam Kehidupan Sehari-hari Pengungsi Suriah di Freiburg

Citta Tresnati,

Katharina Ruf,

Ina Schmidbauer


Freiburg’s Non-Fascist Skinheads: Perception on the Representation of Skinhead Subculture in “Mainstream Media”


Freiburgs nicht-faschistische Skinheads: Zur Wahrnehmung der Repräsentation der Skinhead-Subkultur in den „Mainstream-Medien“

Skinhead Non-Fasis di Freiburg: Pandangan terhadap Representasi Subkultur Skinhead dalam “Media Arus Utama“

Riska Tahir,

Viola Gassenschmidt,

Johanna Löffler

Street as a stage: street musicians in Freiburg



Die Straße als Bühne: Straßenmusiker_innen in Freiburg


Jalanan sebagai panggung: Musisi jalanan di Freiburg

Sukma Suciati

Vera Fiedler

Theresa O’Brien

Reproducing Social Categories Through Harmony: The Study of Migrant Rap Music in Freiburg, Germany



Die Reproduktion Sozialer Kategorien durch Musik: Eine Analyse migrantischer Rap Musik in Freiburg, Deutschland


Mereproduksi Kategori Sosial Melalui Harmoni: Studi Musik Rap Migran di Freiburg, Jerman

Muhammad Akbar Rusdy

Mischa Homlicher

Anna Sorg

Gender roles among gay men in Freiburg

Geschlechterrollen homosexueller Männer in Freiburg

Peran Gender di Kalangan Gay di Freiburg


For related activities see also


•    Judith Schlehe (University of Freiburg)
•    Nurul Ilmi Idrus (Hasanuddin University)
•    Heddy Shri Ahimsa Putra (Gadjah Mada University)

Political Science/International Relations:
•    Jürgen Rüland (University of Freiburg)
•    Muhadi Sugiono (Gadjah Mada University)

Katharina Ruf, Seta Wikandaru, Lena Keller-Bischof, Sarah Gomm

 Video about the project 2017 and the last 14 years.



1. workshop

Group photo


1. workshop

Presenting the research topic at the first workshop



Team photo


2. workshop

Second Workshop



Excursion to Vogtsbauernhof



Excursion to Vogtsbauernhof



Excursion to Vogtsbauernhof



Participant observation at christopher-street-parade in Freiburg


workshop 3

Presentation of first results at third workshop



Farewell at the trainstation

Benutzerspezifische Werkzeuge