Sie sind hier: Startseite Exkursionen, Lehrforschungen & Projektseminare Project Open Art (Laufend)

Project Open Art (Laufend)


Our group consists of a lecturer and students of the Institute of Cultural and Social Anthropology, the Department of Art History and of other departments of the Faculty of Humanities as well as of alumnis of the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg/Germany.
It is our goal to bring together artists from all over the world on a platform where they can exhibit their art. In the environment of a so-called project seminar we established a new form of art display: a virtual exhibition platform where artists can show their work. In this way artists are no longer bound to one location (gallery, museum, square, street) accessible to just one attending audience but their art will be set free from pre-determined locations and times by presenting it in a virtual, illimitable room. Art pieces of the artists own choice for the purpose of the display at the platform will be accessible and approachable through the internet for a “global” audience.


 Interview with the Indonesian artist Eddie Hara:


Eddie Hara at work:

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