
Vissia Ita Yulianto


Tel.: +49-761-9328
E-Mail: vissia_ita@yahoo.com


Curriculum Vitae

Vissia Ita Yulianto, born in 1977, is currently enrolled as a PhD candidate in the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Albert- Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany. She was a research fellow in Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore (2004) and finished her master from Ilmu Religi dan Budaya (Religious and Cultural Studies), Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta (2005) with a thesis: Pesona Barat; Analisa Kritis-Historis tentang Warna Kulit di Indonesia (The Allure of Whiteness; a Critical and Historical Analysis on the Awareness of Skin Color in Indonesia). Her current research project is entitled: “Reframing Modernities in Contemporary Indonesia; An Ethnographic Study of Ideas on Center and Periphery on Sulawesi and Java”.



Schlehe, Judith, Nertz, Melanie and Yulianto, Vissia Ita 2013: “Re-imagining ‘the West’ and Performing ‘Indonesian Modernities’: Muslims, Christians and paranormal practitioners. In: Zeitschrift für Ethnologie (forthcoming).

Yulianto, Vissia Ita 2012: Mengkonsumsi Gosip: Re-domestikasi Perempuan Indonesia. In: Ariel Heryanto (ed.) 2012: Budaya Pop di Indonesia, Mencairnya Identitas Pasca Orde Baru, Jalasutra.

Yulianto, Vissia Ita 2011: Is the Past in Another Country? A Case Study of Rural-Urban Affinity on Mudik Lebaran in Central Java. In: JISSH: Journal of Indonesian Social Science and Humanities, Vol.4. pp. 49-64.

Yulianto, Vissia Ita 2010: Understanding Modernity in Indonesia, The Jakarta Post (04/11/2010).
Yulianto, Vissia Ita 2010: Is Celebrating Kartini’s Day still Relevant Today? The Jakarta Post, (21/04/2010).

Yulianto, Vissia Ita 2010: Consuming Gossip; A redomestication of Indonesian Women. In: Ariel Heryanto (Hg.) 2010: Popular Culture in Indonesia. Fluid Indentyties in Post Autoritarian Politics. Routledge, 2007, 2010.
Yulianto, Vissia Ita 2007: The Representation of Women, Gender and Sexuality in Print, Broadcast, and Electronic Media; Comparing Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. In: S. Joseph (Hg.) 2007: The Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures. Brill Academic Publishers.

Yulianto, Vissia Ita 2007: Pesona ‘Barat’; Analisa Kritis-Historis tentang Warna Kulit di Indonesia [The Allure of Whiteness; an analysis on the consciousness or awareness of skin color in Indonesia]. Jalasutra.
Yulianto, Vissia Ita 2006: Berakhir di Klein Scheveningen, Srinthil, Media Perempuan Multikultural, Desantara Depok. Edisi 9.
Yulianto, Vissia Ita 2004: Aku Mau; Feminisme dan Nasionalisme. (Surat-Surat Kartini kepada Stella Zeehandelaar). Kompas&IRB Press.
Yulianto, Vissia Ita 2002: Totaliterisme Iklan dan Konstruksi Realitas, Nadheer, Jurnal Magister Ilmu Religi dan Budaya. Sanata Dharma.


Conference Papers


2012: The Positionality of an Indonesian and a Western researcher doing fieldwork on Sulawesi and Java’, International Conference on Methodology in Southeast Asian Studies, Freiburg University.

2011: Image Barat di Indonesia (Images of the Wests in Indonesia), Dept. of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Sam Ratulangie, Manado.

2008: (Keynote Speaker) “Acting White”, Temu Koreografer Wanita VI, Mataya Arts and Heritage, Surakarta.

2005: The boom of Infotainment: a Re-Domestification of Women in Indonesia, SEASREP 10th Anyversary, Chiangmay, Thailand.

2004a: The Allure of Whiteness in Indonesia, EUROSEAS Conference, University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France.

2004b: The Allure of Whiteness in Indonesia, 6th Inter-university Conference on Social Development, USM, Malaysia.

2004c: The Allure of Whiteness in Indonesia, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore.


Research Interest

Her research interests include multiple modernities, popular culture, multi-sited ethnography, post-colonial studies in Southeast Asia and the concept of ‘Self’ and ‘Other’ in Germany.


Research Areas

Southeast Asia

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