Dr. Philipp Schröder
Tel.: +49-761-203-3583Fax: +49-761-203-3581
Coordinator for B.A. programme:
Please direct all administrative questions
regarding the course of your studies, the
acknowledgement of academic achievements etc.
to ba-koordinator@ethno.uni-freiburg.de
Consultation hours:
27.02.: 13:00 - 15:00
27.03.: 13:00 - 15:00
24.04.: 13:00 - 15:00
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Curriculum Vitae
Recent/Upcoming Presentations
Recent/Upcoming Teaching
Academic Management
Memberships and Cooperations
Curriculum Vitae
Philipp Schröder studied Cultural/Social Anthropology and Political Sciences at the University of Tübingen, the Free University Berlin and the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. From 2006 until 2011, he was a member of the research group on ‘Integration and Conflict’ at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle/Saale. From 2012 to 2017, he conducted his postdoctoral studies at the Institute for Asian and African Studies of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and also served as an interim professor for the cross-section "Islam in Asian and African Societies” (2016-2017). In October 2017, Philipp Schröder joined the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Freiburg as a postdoctoral researcher, lecturer and coordinator of the BA program.
Philipp Schröder has also taught at the American University of Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan), the University of Hamburg, the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg as well as during various summer schools funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). He is an associate researcher at the "Institute for Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies" (ISEK) of the University Zurich, and an associate member of CASCA (Halle-Zurich Centre for the Anthropological Study of Central Asia). Furthermore, he is a research affiliate at the "International Security and Development Center" (ISDC, Berlin).
Philipp Schröder has consulted on various projects of development cooperation in Central Asia on behalf of the German Federal Foreign Office (AA), Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, the World Bank, UN Women, the University of Central Asia (UCA), and 'The Hague Institute for Global Justice'. He is a Country of Origin Information (COI) expert for the ‘Rights in Exile Programme’. ‘Rights in Exile Programme
Philipp Schröder's research interests are identity, integration and conflict; translocal mobilities and entrepreneurialism; urban spaces, youth (cultures) and masculinities. His research areas are Central Asia and Eurasia (in particular Kyrgyzstan, Russia and China).
Current research projects
- Since 2012: The 'China-Business' - An Ethnography of Kyrgyz Traders and their Translocal Livelihoods in-between 'Home', China and Russia (research for habilitation thesis, funded by VolkswagenStiftung)
- Since 2017: 'Entrepreneurship in Kyrgyzstan: Adjustments to a Changing Economic Environment' (funded by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung)
- Since 2016: 'Angst in the City?' - Urban Emotional Landscapes and Social Marginality in Novosibirsk, Russia (with Prof. Dr. J. Otto Habeck, Universität Hamburg; BIC).
Previous research projects
- 2015-2018: Kyrgyz Republic: Social Cohesion through Community-based Development’ (funded by Worldbank, USA, and Aga Khan Foundation, USA); in cooperation with the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI, Sweden) and the University of Central Asia (UCA, Kyrgyzstan).
More information here - 2016-2017: 'The Quarters of Bishkek': Territory and Kyrgyzstan's Urban Youth Culture from the 1970s until Now (with Dr. Emil Nasritdinov, American University of Central Asia).
More information here - 2014: Perspectives from Youth(Work) - An Analysis on Gender, Religion and Traditionalism in Kyrgyzstan (for project "Prospects for Youth", Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, GIZ; see factsheet here).
- 2012: Conflict and Everyday Life - The Ethnographic Embedding of the 2010 Violent Incidents in Southern Kyrgyzstan (sponsord by the DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service).
- 2007-2011: From Shanghai to Iug-2: Integration and Identification among and beyond the Male Youth of a Bishkek Neighbourhood (for PhD dissertation at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology).
More infomation here
- Schröder, Philipp in preparation. From Pioneers to New Entrepreneurs: Kyrgyzstan's First Capitalists and the Evolution of Eurasian Economies
(Working Title for manuscript related to habilitation project). - Schröder, Philipp 2017. Bishkek Boys: Neighbourhood Youth and Urban Change in Kyrgyzstan's Capital. New York and Oxford: Berghahn.
- [Schröder, Philipp 2012. From Shanghai to Iug-2: integration and identification among and beyond the male youth of a Bishkek neighbourhood. PhD Thesis, Philos. Fak. I, Martin-Luther-Univ. Halle-Wittenberg, Halle/Saale.]
- Schröder, Philipp 2006. ‚Dagaalka sokeeye’ – Gegen einen engen Vertrauten kämpfen. Der somalische Bürgerkrieg aus den Blickwinkeln ethnologischer und politikwissenschaftlicher Konflikttheorien [‘Dagaalka Sokeeye – To Fight the Familiar’. The Somali Civil War from the Perspectives of Ethnological and Political Science Conflict Theories]. Berlin: LIT-Verlag.
Edited Volumes / Special Issues
- Stephan-Emmrich, Manja and Philipp Schröder (eds.) 2018. Mobilities, Boundaries, and Travelling Ideas: Rethinking Translocality Beyond Central Asia and the Caucasus. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers.
Reviewed here
- Nasritdinov, Emil and Philipp Schröder (eds.) 2017. Re/Claiming Bishkek. Central Asian Affairs 4 (2).
- Schröder, Philipp (ed.) 2017. Urban Spaces and Lifestyles in Central Asia and Beyond. London and New York: Routledge.
Republished from 2016: Central Asian Survey, 35 (2).
- Habeck, Joachim Otto and Philipp Schröder (eds.) 2016. Angst in the City? EthnoScripts 18 (1).
Chapters in Edited Volumes
- Schröder, Philipp forthcoming. Descendants of Altynay: Education as an opportunity and urban idealisation in present-day Kyrgyzstan (to appear in 'Education in Central Asia: A Kaleidoscope of Challenges and Opportunities').
- Stephan-Emmrich, Manja and Philipp Schröder 2018. Introduction - Mobilities, Boundaries, and Travelling Ideas Beyond Central Asia and the Caucasus: A Translocal Perspective. In: Manja Stephan-Emmrich and Philipp Schröder (eds.): Mobilities, Boundaries, and Travelling Ideas: Rethinking Translocality Beyond Central Asia and the Caucasus. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, 27-57.
- Schröder, Philipp 2018. The Economics of Translocality - Epistemographic Observations from Fieldwork in(-between) Russia, China, and Kyrgyzstan. In: Manja Stephan-Emmrich and Philipp Schröder (eds.): Mobilities, Boundaries, and Travelling Ideas: Rethinking Translocality Beyond Central Asia and the Caucasus. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, 263-288.
- Schröder, Philipp 2017. Urban Spaces and Lifestyles in Central Asia and Beyond: An Introduction. In: Philipp Schröder (ed.): Urban Spaces and Lifestyles in Central Asia and Beyond. London and New York: Routledge, 1-12.
- Schröder, Philipp 2017. Avoidance and Appropriation in Bishkek: Dealing with Time, Space and Urbanity in Kyrgyzstan's Capital. In: Philipp Schröder (ed.): Urban Spaces and Lifestyles in Central Asia and Beyond. London and New York: Routledge, 74-92.
- Schröder, Philipp 2012. 'Urbanizing' Bishkek: interrelations of boundaries, migration, group size and opportunity structure. In: Stefan Kirmse (ed.) Youth in the former Soviet South: everyday lives between experimentation and regulation. London: Routledge, 73-87.
Journal Articles
- Schröder, Philipp forthcoming. Business 2.0: Kyrgyz Middlemen in Guangzhou.
In: Central Asian Survey. - Nasritdinov, Emil and Philipp Schröder 2017. Re/Claiming Bishkek: Contestation and Activism in the City of Two Revolutions. In. Central Asian Affairs: 'Re-Claiming Bishkek' 4 (2): 97-128.
- Schröder, Philipp. 2017. From Shanghai to Iug-2...and What Now? Traces of (Re-)Claiming Bishkek from a Multi-temporal Fieldwork among Urban Men. In. Central Asian Affairs: 'Re-Claiming Bishkek' 4 (2): 129-145.
- Habeck, Joachim Otto and Philipp Schröder 2016. Editorial: From Siberia with Love or Angst in the City? On the Idea of Merging Research Projects in Novosibirsk and Co-Teaching in Hamburg and Berlin.
In: Ethnoscripts, 18 (1): 5-24. - Schröder, Philipp 2016. Urban Spaces and Lifestyles in Central Asia and Beyond: An Introduction. In: Central Asian Survey, 35(2): 145-156.
- Schröder, Philipp 2016. Avoidance and Appropriation in Bishkek: Dealing with Time, Space and Urbanity in Kyrgyzstan's Capital. In: Central Asian Survey, 35(2): 218-236.
- Nasritdinov, Emil and Philipp Schröder 2016. From Frunze to Bishkek. Soviet Territorial Youth Formations and Their Decline in the 1990-s and 2000-s. In: Central Asian Affairs, 3(1): 1-28.
- Schröder, Philipp 2015. Ainuras Amerikanische Karriere. Räumliche und Soziale Mobilität einer jungen Kirgisin [Ainura’s American Career: The Spatial and Social Mobility of a Young Kyrgyz Woman]. In: Déjà Lu, Issue 3, 2015 (E-Journal of the World Council of Anthropological Associations). Reprint from 2013: Zeitschrift für Ethnologie, 138: 235-258.
- Schröder, Philipp 2014. „Der deutsche Bruder in unserem Hof“: Respekt, Solidarität und ‚distanzierbare Nähe' als Aspekte meiner Verortung in einer Nachbarschaftsgemeinschaft kirgisischer Männer [‘The German Brother in our Yard’: Respect, Solidarity and ‘Distanced Proximity’ as Aspects of my Positioning in a Neighbourhood Community of Kyrgyz Men]. In: Sociologus, 64(2): 155-178.
- Schröder, Philipp and Manja Stephan-Emmrich 2014. The Institutionalization of Mobility: Well-being and Social Hierarchies in Central Asian Translocal Livelihoods. In: Mobilities. [print version: Mobilities 2016, 11(3): 420-443]
- Schröder, Philipp 2011. Der Alltag der 'revolutionären' Jugend Kirgistans [The Everyday Life of Kyrgyzstan’s ‘Revolutionary’ Youth]. In: Zentralasien-Analysen Nr. 48, 2-5.
- Schröder, Philipp 2010. 'Urbanizing' Bishkek: interrelations of boundaries, migration, group size and opportunity structure. In: Central Asian Survey, 29:4, 453-467.
- Schröder, Philipp 2007. Bischkek nach oder vor der Revolution? Integration, Konflikt und Identifikation unter Jugendlichen in einem post-sowjetischen urbanen Kontext [Bishkek After or Before the Revolution? Integration, Conflict and Identification among Youth in a post-Soviet Urban Context]. In: Bericht / Max-Planck-Institut für ethnologische Forschung, Abteilung I: Integration und Konflikt, 2007, 149-151.
- Schröder, Philipp 2007. Schauspiel, Ideologie und Selbstdarstellung – Beschreibungen zum sibirischen Schamanismus zwischen dem 18. und 21. Jahrhundert im Kontext der Writing Culture-Debatte [Spectacle, Ideology and Self-Representation – Descriptions of Siberian Shamanism between the 18th and 21st Century in Light of the Writing Culture-Debate]. In: Anthropos 102.2007, 135-156.
- Schröder, Philipp 2018. Locating Institutions in Kyrgyzstan's Bazaar Economies. Review on: Spector, Regine 2017. Order at the Bazaar. Power and Trade in Central Asia. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. In: Central Asian Affairs, 5 (4), 375-379.
- Schröder, Philipp 2015. Review on: Schmoller, Jesko: Achieving a Career, Becoming a Master. Aspirations in the Lives of Young Uzbek Men. In: Central Asian Survey: 1-3.
- Schröder, Philipp 2006. Review on: Yurkova, Irina: Der Alltag der Transformation. Kleinunternehmerinnen in Usbekistan [Yurkova, Irina. The Everyday Life of Transformation. Small Buinesswomen in Uzbekistan]. In: Anthropos, 101.2006, 332-334.
Consultancy Work (Published Reports)
- Schröder, Philipp and Elina Schröder 2017. Entrepreneurship in Kyrgyzstan: adjustments to a changing economic environment. Bishkek: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.
- Schröder, Philipp 2017. Displays of Patriarchy and Female Vigour. (Report prepared for the project ‘Professional and Marriage Choices of Youth in Kyrgyzstan’ on behalf of UN Women; more information here)
- Schröder, Philipp 2015. Youth(work) and Gender - The Case of Kyrgyzstan. In: German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation (GIZ).
- Nationalities Papers
- Sibirica
- Central Asian Survey
- Globalizations
- Mobilities
Recent / Upcoming Presentations
- Between Masculinities and Infrastructures: Grasping Emergent Trade Corridors and Value-Chains in Eurasia
Presentation at workshop 'Translocal Ethnographies of Mobilities and Boundaries'
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, December 7, 2018 - Book Launch: Discussing 'Mobilities, Boundaries, and Travelling Ideas: Rethinking Translocality Beyond Central Asia and the Caucasus'
Centre for East European and International Studies, Berlin, December 6, 2018
More information here - Anthropology and Tourism
Presentation at the 1st Symposium 'Tourism and Development Cooperation'
Harz University of Applied Sciences, June 4-5, 2018
More information here - Ethnography along the New Silk Road - A Research Programme
Presentation at the winter term colloquium, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, November 7, 2017.
More information here
- Ethnographic Research on Cohesion and Employment in Kyrgyzstan
Presentation at workshop "Household Life, Employment and Social Cohesion in Kyrgyzstan - Integrating Scientific Insights and Implementation Efforts", Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan), April 27, 2017 - Forms and Dynamics of Informal Social Support in Transnational Contexts/Settings
Invited Discussant for the Panel at the conference 'Transnational Social Support - Everyday Life Perspectives and Political Insights', organized by TRANSSOS (Research Center for Transnational Social Support), March 2-3, 2017.
Full program see here - From ‘Wild Capitalism’ to Business 2.0 - Ethnographic Insights on Kyrgyz Entrepreneurs in Eurasia. Presentation at the 17th Annual Conference of the Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS); Princeton University (NJ, USA); November 3-6, 2016.
- 'New Silk Road' - Livelihoods, Regimes and Goods in contemporary Eurasia. Presentation at the conference 'EASA2016: Anthropological legacies and human futures' in the panel 'P136: The political life of commodities'; University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy; July 20-23, 2016.
More information here - Ethics and Ethnography. Lecture at the DFG Research Training Group 'Transnational Social Support' of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and University of Hildesheim (in Hildesheim, Germany); June 27, 2016.
- "We have come a long way…" - On old-school merchants and new entrepreneurs of the former Soviet Periphery. Presentation in the lecture series 'Asia Update'; University of Amsterdam (Netherlands); June 16, 2016.
- Illustrating Eurasian ‘Globalization’: From Migration & Economy to Culture & Politics. Presentation on behalf of: Roundtable "Labour, Migration & Integration - Globalisation Processes in Eurasia”, ASA-Programm, Werftpfuhl (Germany); June 10, 2016.
- Transcultural Kyrgyzness? Insights from Mobile Lifeworlds in-between Central Asia, Russia and China. Presentation in the lecture series of Prof. Dr. Nadja-Christina Schneider entitled 'Transculturality and Migration: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives' (program here) at the Institute for Asian and African Studies; Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; June 2, 2016.
- Qualitative Tracking Study. Presentation in the progress workshop on the 'Social Cohesion Through Community-Based Development', held by the University of Central Asia, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute and the International Security and Development Center; University of Central Asia, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan; February 26, 2016.
Recent / Upcoming Teaching
- Applied Anthropology in Central Asia
Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg,
Summer Term, 2019 - Integration & Conflict
Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Winter Term, 2018/19 - Economic Anthropology Monographs of the 20th and 21st Century
Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Winter Term, 2018/19 - Anthropology and Economy: Theoretical Perspectives and Case Studies on Production, Distribution and Consumption
Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg,
Winter Term, 2018/19 - Ethnographic Methods in Practice
Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Summer Term, 2018 - Migrations, Middle-Classes and Modernities: An Ethnographic Comparison of CentralAsia and China
Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Winter Term, 2017/18
- Translocality: Religion, Identity and Integration in Cross-Border Contexts
Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Winter Term, 2017/18 - Contemporary Muslim Youth and Lifestyles
Institute for Asian and African Studies, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Winter Term 2016/17 - Spiritual Markets and Marketed Spiritualities: People, Beliefs and Economies
Institute for Asian and African Studies, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Winter Term 2016/17 - Migrations, Middle Classes and Modernities: An Ethnographic Comparison of Central Asia and China
Institute for Asian and African Studies, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Winter Term 2016/17 - Ethnographische Werkstatt (Lesen, Schreiben, Präsentieren)
Institute for Asian and African Studies, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Winter Term 2016/17 - Methodenwerkstatt Regionalwissenschaften
Institute for Asian and African Studies, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Winter Term 2016/17 - Translocal Matters - Ethnographic Explorations of Belongings, Sociabilities and Spiritualities in(between) Amsterdam and Berlin (together with Dr. Barak Kalir, Universiteit van Amsterdam). Institute for Asian and African Studies; Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; Summer Term 2016.
- Islam and Spirituality in times of Socialism and post-Socialism. Institute for Asian and African Studies; Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; Summer Term 2016.
- Anthropological Studies on Religion, Trade and Livelihood in Asia and Africa. Institute for Asian and African Studies; Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; Summer Term 2016.
- Research consultant for project 'Employment for Stability'
Funded by the Hague Institute for Global Justice. - Research consultant for project ‘Kyrgyz Republic: Social Cohesion through Community-based Development’
Ffunded by Worldbank, USA, and Aga Khan Foundation, USA); in cooperation with the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI, Sweden) and the University of Central Asia (UCA, Kyrgyzstan). - Research consultant for project 'Coping with Economic Change in Kyrgyzstan'
Funded by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. - Research consultant for project ‘Professional and Marriage Choices of Youth in Kyrgyzstan’ (on behalf of UN Women Kyrgyzstan.
More information here - External consultant for midterm evaluation of ‘Pakistan-Afghanistan-Tajikistan Regional Integration Programme’ (PATRIP).
On behalf of German Federal Foreign Office, Germany, and Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau, Germany. - Research consultant for project ‘Prospects for Youth’.
On behalf of German Federal Ministry for Cooperation and Development, Germany, and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, Germany. See factsheet here and video here.
Academic Management
- Co-Organizer of the Workshop 'Translocal Ethnographies of Mobilities and Boundaries'. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, December 7, 2018
- Co-Organizer of the Workshop 'Household Life, Employment and Social Cohesion in Kyrgyzstan - Integrating Scientific Insights and Implementation Efforts'.
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Funded by The Hague Institute for Global Justice, April 2017.
More information here - Project leader and teacher at the Summer School 'Power, Identity and Economy: Dimensions of Perception and Conflict in Central Asia'. Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan. Funded by the DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service; August 2015.
- Co-organizer Workshop 'Exploring Translocality: Methodological Reflections and Ethnographic Cases'. American University of Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan); April 07-08, 2015.
- Project leader and teacher at the Summer School 'Resources and Conflicts in Central Asia'. Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan. Funded by the DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service; August 2014.
- Co-organizer and teacher at the Summer School 'Society and Conflict in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan'. Dushanbe, Tajikistan. Funded by the DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service; July 2013.
- Co-organizer Workshop 'Tracing Migration and Global Connectedness - Urban Contexts in Central Asia and Beyond'. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Germany); May 30-31, 2013.
- Co-organizer and teacher at the Summer School 'Ethnicity, Conflict and Memory - Experiencing Violence and Talking Peace in South Kyrgyzstan and the Ferghana Valley'. Osh, Kyrgyzstan. Funded by the DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service; September 2012.
Memberships and Cooperations
Research Affiliate at the International Security and Development Center (ISCD), Berlin.
Associate Researcher at the Institute for Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies (ISEK), University Zurich, Switzerland (see here).
Associate Member of CASCA (Halle-Zurich Centre for the Anthropological Study of Central Asia, for more information see here).
Member of the Steering Committee at the Central Asian Studies Institute (CASI), American University of Central Asia, Kyrgyzstan (for more information see here).
Supervisor for selected BA-students in Anthropology and MA-studens in Central Asian Studies of the American University of Central Asia, Kyrgyzstan.
External cooperation partner for the research project "Informal Markets and Trade in Eurasia"
(see here)
Cooperation in supervising selected PhD candidates of the program "Moving Matters: People, Goods, Power and Ideas", Amsterdam Institute for SocialScience Research (AISSR) (see here)
Membership in Deutsche Gesellschaft für Völkerkunde (DGV, German Anthropological Association).
Membership in Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS).
Membership in the European Association of Social Anthropologist (easa).