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Event Institutskolloquium im Wintersemester 2018
Im Wintersemester 2018/2019 findet vier Mal das Institutskolloquium am Institut für Ethnologie statt.
Event Suche nach Identität – Die Naga im Nordosten Indiens
Event Institutskolloquium: Mehrere Projektpräsentationen
Am 29. Mai finden im Institutskolloquium Projektpräsentationen vonSita Hidayah, Gregor Dobler und Judith Schlehe statt.
Event Institutskolloquium: Imam Ardhianto (Uni Freiburg) "Hierarchy and Socio-Religious Dynamics: The Fall of Adat, Church-Making, and Interdenominational Relations among the Kenyah in Central Borneo"
Event Institutskolloquium: Yannick van den Berg (Uni Freiburg) "Gottesdienst als Mußeraum? Alltagsreligiosität und Gottesdiensterfahrung in Namibia"
Event Flexibility and improvisation in a melting Mackenzie Delta.Vortrag von PD Dr. Franz Krause (Uni Köln)
Event Anthropology and the Media: Accounting for the Everyday Life (Primus M. Tazanu)
Media anthropologists emphasize on the use of ethnography to understand political and socio-cultural phenomena in which the media is implicated.
Event Institutskolloquium: Sita Hidayah (Freiburg): „Shari’a Aceh. Between Content and Context”
Event Institutskolloquium: Michelle Thompson (Freiburg) „Theorizing ‚factual‘ narratives of collective consciousnesses – German ‘Indian’ narratives and North American Indigenous peoples’ reactions “
Event Institutskolloquium: Lukas Ley (Heidelberg): “It still can be hacked” – of activism, art, and power in contemporary Indonesia
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