Former Staff
- Prof. emeritus Dr. Rolf Herzog
- Former director from the "Institut für Völkerkunde" (1965-1987)
- Prof. emeritus Dr. Ulrich Köhler
- Former director of the "Institut für Völkerkunde" (1987- 2002)
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Seitz
- At the Institute for Ethnology since 1970. As Professor from 1980 to 2010.
- Prof. Dr. Lothar Käser (apl.)
- Professor (apl.) at the Institute for Ethnology (2002-2011)
- Dr. Andreas Volz
- Dr. habil Heike Drotbohm
- PD Dr. Markus Verne
- Vertretungsprofessur
- Dr. Cristian Alvarado Leyton
- Dr. des. Rebecca Hofmann
- Mirijam Lücking
- Former Lecturers
- Former external funding staff