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Former Staff

Page Prof. emeritus Dr. Rolf Herzog
Former director from the "Institut für Völkerkunde" (1965-1987)
Page Prof. emeritus Dr. Ulrich Köhler
Former director of the "Institut für Völkerkunde" (1987- 2002)
Page Prof. Dr. Stefan Seitz
At the Institute for Ethnology since 1970. As Professor from 1980 to 2010.
Page Prof. Dr. Lothar Käser (apl.)
Professor (apl.) at the Institute for Ethnology (2002-2011)
Page Dr. Andreas Volz
Page Dr. habil Heike Drotbohm
Page PD Dr. Markus Verne
Page Dr. Cristian Alvarado Leyton
Page Dr. des. Rebecca Hofmann
Page Mirijam Lücking
Page Former Lecturers
Folder Former external funding staff
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